8 safety instructions for winter travellers
Rovaniemi is generally a very safe city to travel to, yet there’s certain things to keep in mind due our arctic conditions. Here you can find tips and instructions on how to have a safe holiday in Rovaniemi during winter. Wish to have fun the safe way? Keep on reading!

1. Basic safety instructions for travellers
1. Basic safety instructions for travellers
Lapland Rescue Department has created safety instructions to everyone visiting Lapland during winter. You can find tips and practical information from the links below and from this video.
We wish you a safe holiday in Lapland!

2. Dress up warmly
2. Dress up warmly
The weather is cold and crispy in Rovaniemi! Keep yourself warm during these frosty days by wearing layers of winter clothes in Rovaniemi:
- Underlayer is the first layer next to your skin and it should keep you dry. Woollen set of underwear is soft and warm option.
- Middle Layer is a set of clothes: fleece, another woollen layer or other warm pair of clothes.
- Outside layer covers you from wind, rain and snow. You should wear water resistant pants and jacket or overalls. Remember a hat and mittens!
- Extra clothing is important, if it is very cold. You can wear or take with you another thicker jacket or extra pair of mittens and scarf. You can wear this layer during the tour or activity, for example when you stay still a longer time.
- For shoes wear warm winter boots with woolen socks. Always have some room to wiggle your toes. Use footwear with good traction or separate ice cleats.

3. Be aware of thin ice
3. Be aware of thin ice
It is impossible to know if the ice is thick enough and you should never try it. Due to the changes in nature, the safe spots can also change during the days and weeks. In other words, one step on top of the ice might be safe when the next is unsafe.
How can you safely experience the ice?

Stay safe on your holiday and read our Q&A about ice.

4. Drive safely
4. Drive safely
- If your car breaks down or you drive off the road, call to towing service. Emergency number 112 is only for real emergencies.
- Good visibility is needed while driving: Car interior air circulation should not be used as it causes glass fogging. If the car glasses are frozen/covered with snow, they must be cleaned before setting off.
- When moving by car one must wear warm enough clothes. In case of an accident it may take time for help to arrive.
- On an icy road it is more difficult to stop the car and this is important for drivers and for pedestrians, so please cross the road carefully keeping in mind that the cars can’t break as easily as at summertime.
- If you stop to photograph reindeer or northern lights, do it in a safe place. Do not stop the car middle of the road. It’s dangerous for you and the others.

5. Walking around
5. Walking around
Rovaniemi city centre has quite a lot of traffic, cars, buses and other vehicles. Everyone should follow the common traffic rules.
- Walk only on pedestrian streets.
- Walking on ski tracks is prohibited and dangerous for both you and the skiers.
- Don’t cross the street dangerously, as cars can’t break quickly on an icy road. Following the traffic rules is important for your own safety.
- Don’t cross the street with a sled! Cars won’t see you.
- Use reflective clothing or separate reflectors that you can attach to your clothing for visibility on dark hours. This is a popular Finnish way to stay safe.
- Walk safely on icy surfaces: wear footwear that has good traction or use ice cleats. Take shorter steps at slower pace. Don’t rush.

6. Sledding
6. Sledding
Everyone loves sledding from travellers to locals. It is however very important to find the correct places for sledding, as sledding to thin ice or traffic can be life threatening. Here’s a few TIPS for more safe and fun holiday!
- Don’t pull the sledge on the road. Cars won’t see you!
- Find dedicated places for sledding (for example Rovaniemi Old Market Square)
- Don’t do sledding in places, where there’s traffic. Cars won’t see you!
- Don’t go sledding on ski tracks. Speed of the skiers is fast and they wont see you.
- Have fun while staying safe!

7. In case of emergency
7. In case of emergency
In case of emergency or sickness, contact local heath care.
In less severe symptoms, that is health problems that do not require emergency treatment, such as normal colds and their complications, prolonged back pain and diarrhea, travelers are advised to turn to the Private health centres in Rovaniemi:
- Terveystalo in shopping centre Revontulikeskus: emergency services for travellers, phone: +358 30 6338650 and +358 900 30000 (24h)
- Pihlajalinna in shopping centre Revontulikeskus, phone: +358 10312010 (24h)
- Mehiläinen in Lampelankatu 6, phone: +358 1041400 (24h)
The Emergency Room (ER) in Lapland Central Hospital handles medical emergencies – that is treatment of illnesses and accidents of patients requiring IMMEDIATE assistance – around the clock. In case of primary healthcare emergency, call: 116 117 (without country code!) before going to the ER.
In case of urgent emergency, call the emergency number 112.
Printable version about the health care for travellers below.

8. Keep your valuables safe
8. Keep your valuables safe
In big crowds or busy events, be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables safe. Your phone stays warmer (and safer!) in the inside pocket of your jacket. If you lose something, contact Rovaniemi Police Department:
Lost property: +358 295 416941Mon–Wed 8.00–15.00
Other Police matters: +358 295 466250
Read more about ice and snow

6 Wintery surfaces in Lapland

Snow And Ice
For many, Lapland is synonymous with snow. In Rovaniemi, there’s white stuff on the ground for approximately six months of the year. Find out more here!

Polar Night
Experience the Polar Night, celebration of mysterious lights on glittering snowdrifts.

Rovaniemi is the official hometown of Santa Claus and reallife winter wonderland located at the Arctic Circle in Lapland Finland.

10 Romantic Winter Tips