Nearby destinations
Are you planning on continuing your trip from Rovaniemi to other Lapland destinations or to the neighbouring countries? Here you can find some tips and information. Transportation in Rovaniemi you can find from the Getting around page.

Other Lapland destinations
Other Lapland destinations
Lapland is Finland’s northernmost province and makes up almost a third of Finland. Lapland is large and sparsely populated. In Lapland, there are several areas with their own local flavours and characteristics, but all share one common trait: stunning natural beauty all year round. Lovely destinations nearby are for example:
- Ranua, Distance from Rovaniemi: 1 hour
- Kemijärvi, Distance from Rovaniemi: 1 hour
- Pyhä-Luosto, Distance from Rovaniemi: 1,5 hours
- Kemi, Distance from Rovaniemi: 1,5 hours
- Iso-Syöte, Distance from Rovaniemi: 2 hours
- Ruka-Kuusamo, Distance from Rovaniemi: 2,5 hours
- Inari-Saariselkä, Distance from Rovaniemi: 3-4 hours

Traffic connections to neighbouring countries
Traffic connections to neighbouring countries
Norway: In the summer season, there is a daily bus connection from Rovaniemi to Tromsø (Norway). In addition, there is a connection from Rovaniemi to Karasjoki (Norway) both in summer and winter and to Tana Bru (Norway) in winter, from where you can continue the journey further north with Norwegian buses.
Sweden: Buses and trains operate all year from Rovaniemi via Kemi and Tornio to Haparanda (Sweden), from where you can continue the journey in Sweden by public transportation.

Arctic Route winter 2024-2025
Arctic Route winter 2024-2025
Bus and train routes to Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway.
Routes operate from 1.12.2024-31.3.2025 and 2.6.-20.9.2025 between Rovaniemi (Finland), Tromsø, Narvik, Lyngen, Storslett and Skjervøy (Norway).
More information to Plan your Rovaniemi holiday

Right Now

Getting here
Rovaniemi is situated in Finnish Lapland, right on the Arctic Circle. Despite the northern location, getting here is easy with great transport connections. See details here.

Getting around
Rovaniemi is a town with short distances. The centre is easily explored on foot, and many transport options are available for reaching the surroundings. Find out more here.

Tourist Information
The modern facilities of Tourist Information in familiar brand colours of Visit Rovaniemi, welcome travellers to The Official Hometown of Santa Claus®.

FAQ / Ask us
Have you got concerns ahead of your trip to Rovaniemi or are you not sure how things work once you’ve arrived? See our FAQ and find useful information!

Rovaniemi Webcams
Santa Claus Village webcam, Ounasvaara webcam and Koivusaari webcam all give you a chance to sneak peek the accurate, current view in Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland.

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