Rovaniemen Teatteriravintolan kattaus Rovaniemen Teatteriravintolan mustikka-valkosuklaaleivos Rovaniemen teatteri kattaus Enjoying food in Rovaniemi Theatre restaurant Enjoying in Rovaniemi Theatre restaurant

Rovaniemi Theatre Cafe and Restaurant


Rovaniemi Theatre cafe and restaurant is located in Lappia House in Rovaniemi city centre. In the décor and table settings of the theatre restaurant at Lappia Hall in Rovaniemi, you can sense the theme and atmosphere of Alvar Aalto. Additionally, the culinary experiences will take you on a journey through Alvar Aalto’s history and every Finn’s childhood taste memories, enhanced with a bold and imaginative twist. The offerings emphasize local ingredients and the community spirit characteristic of Lapland, with ingredients sourced locally. The restaurant provides not only food but also comprehensive experiences and moments that linger in memories.

Provided by:

Rovaniemen Teatteri
If you have any questions of the service, please contact service provider.
Rovaniemen Teatteriravintolan kattaus Rovaniemen Teatteriravintolan mustikka-valkosuklaaleivos Rovaniemen teatteri kattaus Enjoying food in Rovaniemi Theatre restaurant Enjoying in Rovaniemi Theatre restaurant